3 Cosmetic Treatments To Speed Up Your Morning Routine

16 Aug 2022

3 Cosmetic Treatments To Speed Up Your Morning Routine

Do you ever wish you could speed up your daily beauty regimen? You’re not alone. When it comes to beauty routines, efficiency is key.

Today, more women are electing non-surgical cosmetic treatments to help limit the time spent getting ready every morning.

Non-invasive treatments are known for having minimal downtime, less pain, faster outcomes, and lower costs than traditional surgical procedures.

So, what are the best beauty timesavers currently available on the market?

We’ll cover 3 of the best non-surgical procedures that will help streamline your daily routine without sacrificing great results.

Laser Hair Removal

Keeping our bodies hairless in all the right places isn’t an easy feat.

In fact, women will spend an average of 72 days over the course of our lifetimes simply shaving our legs!

Want to throw out your razors and get months of your life back? Laser hair removal is the most permanent and cost-effective hair removal technique.

Laser hair removal is a relatively painless procedure that works by blasting hair follicles with pulses of laser light. The laser penetrates the skin to target the hair shaft and inhibit hair growth. 

Laser hair removal sessions are fast, effective and can be used on all skin tones and types.

Laser hair removal can even help with acne! Each hair follicle has an oil gland attached to it. When the growth is removed, dead skin cells, bacteria, and sebum no longer clog pores, leaving you with fewer breakouts.

The GentleMax Pro by Candela is the gold standard in laser hair removal treatments. Many clients describe the GMax Pro as relatively painless, and some say it feels like they are being snapped lightly with a rubber band.

At Flash Lab, we often recommend a series of 6 sessions with the GentleMax Pro to achieve 85-95% permanent hair reduction.

Check out our laser hair removal pricing!Non-Surgical Fat Reduction

Non-Surgical Fat Reduction

Non-surgical fat reduction procedures (also called body sculpting or body contouring) are designed to eliminate stubborn pockets of fat without going under the knife or spending extra time at the gym.

truSculpt ID, for example, is the most sophisticated non-surgical body contouring platform on the market. D eliminate stub

truSculpt ID uses radiofrequency energy to permanently reduce and eliminate fat cells. Unlike many of its’ competitors, truSculpt ID is painless and there is absolutely no downtime.

This innovative platform penetrates deeper than lasers or freezing devices like CoolSculpt, which means you get more fat reduction and fewer treatment sessions overall.

A truSculpt session is fast, lasting just 15 minutes from start to finish. Treatments are described as feeling like a hot stone massage.

Additionally, truSculpt ID stands out because it also reduces the appearance of cellulite and tightens loose skin.

You will notice visible results after 1 session, an average of 24% fat reduction per 15 minute treatment. For the most ideal results, a series of 2-3 sessions will often be recommended.

truSculpt ID results become visible about 6 – 10 weeks post-treatment, with full results at 12 weeks.

This treatment can help you achieve your body goals without having to undergo surgery or work overtime at the gym.

Flash Lab offers the best truSculpt ID pricing in NYC – guaranteed.

Chemical Peels

Chemical peels are a go-to procedure for derms and estheticians because of their ability to provide maximum impact with minimal effort.

This gentle yet powerful treatment diminishes fine lines and wrinkles, sun damage, hyperpigmentation, acne and acne scarring.

When performed by an esthetician or a dermatologist, a chemical peel is a safe and effective option for treating fine lines and wrinkles, acne scars, hyperpigmentation and sun damage while also improving skin tone and overall texture.

The age-defying procedure sloughs away the damaged outer layers of skin and exfoliates away dead skin cells, revealing new, fresh, radiant skin underneath.

The results of a chemical peel are impressive. Depending on the depth of the peel there is minimal downtime, and it will leave your skin radiant, smooth, and bright.

You will notice your skin looks younger, and your skin care products will penetrate your fresh skin much easier, boosting their effectiveness overall.

The Takeaway

We all know how much time we devote to our beauty routines—and if you’re anything like me, you’re always looking for ways to cut corners.

Laser Hair Removal, Chemical Peels and Non-Surgical Fat Reduction are 3 of the best non-surgical treatments that will save you time on your daily regimen.

Want to learn more? Book a complimentary consultation with Flash Lab online or call us to get started.